Monday, November 28, 2005

Kitchen set or McDonald's Food Stand?

When I was a kid, I always wanted a kitchen set to play with. My parents had gotten me cooking toys such as saucepans, slotted spatula, mixing spoon, a fried egg toy, sausage, carrots, etc, but they forgot to get me a stove to cook these items on. What I ended up doing was to utilize other toys (like LEGOs) to make myself a stove to cook.

From my own experience, I concluded that in order to have a complete childhood, every little girl has to have a kitchen set. While I was trying to shop for a kitchen set, I was suprised of what I saw --- I saw a McDonald food stand, a KFC chicken set, a Burger King meal set, and a BBQ stove with grilled steak and hot dog! I guess time flies and things probably have changed. Maybe fast food is the way to go for nowadays' kids. Instead of a traditional kitchen set, I decided to get the McDonald's food stand simply because McDonald is the most popular among kids. I even bother to purchase the Deluxe mealtime server set with apron and headphone so she can dress herself up while making burgers in the food stand.

I hope her parents won't get mad at me when she asks for a stop at the McDonald's next time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you gotta tell me what your neice things about the set...

also, i found out that my brother is having a kid!! woohoo