Sunday, November 20, 2005

Paparazzi news of Honey Bee I

Many people around me are owners of some sort of blogs. Most of them treat blogs as their online journal, while I try to write things which are more universal -- partly because I hope my audience can associate themselves to my writings -- mainly because I don't like to broadcast my personal life on the internet and -- mostly because I don't think anyone will give a $h!t to what's happening in my daily life. However, I decide to go a bit off track today and dedicate this blog as the Honey Bee's diary. If you are one of those who fall into the 3rd category, please skip this particular blog and go to the next.

Dreaming may not be a routine habit to some of you, but it is to me. I dream almost everyday. Usually none of my dream contains a plot but random things that don't really make sense. I have once heard that dream can be taken as a reflection of the real side of someone, the side that one would try to deny, to escape, or to hide. I'm not sure how scientifc this saying is, but I start wondering after my yesterday's night dream. Last night I had a dream about somebody
. Somebody who persuaded me white wine is better than red. Though as usual, my memory was pretty vague since the moment that I was awake, the feeling with this somebody was (and is still) quite long-lasting.

不分手不知你比一切都吸引 。。。原來最愛的人﹐ 曾經在身邊很近 。。。

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ooohhhhh lala...

who is this wonderful person....