Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Honey Buzzle Q#1

We interact with thousands of things everyday. For instance, you're waken up by your alarm clock. Then, you jump out from bed, put on your slippers, go to the bathroom, pick up a toothbrush and start brushing your teeth. Let's do a count -- clock, bed, slippers, toothbrush -- In less than one minute, you already have interactions with four different items. When something becomes a daily routine, we tend to take things for granted, neglect their importance or even their existence.

Because of this reason,
I decide to start a section that would bring up the importance of things that you may have overlooked in your everyday life. This will involve a little of your participation. I'm naming this section the Honey Buzzle. In each Honey Buzzle section, I'll state a question of the simplest thing that all of you should have encountered. I'll post the answer here in my blog a few days after. Do not IM/call/email or drop by my office to ask me the answer because I won't tell you!!

Ready?? Here's the first question. You all should realize that zipper of a man jacket is on the right while the zipper of a woman jacket is on the left. Do you know why? (Hint: It's not a style type of thing. There's a real reason behind it.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmm not sure... very interesting...