Sunday, February 18, 2007

Clean my room

Here it comes the Chinese New Year and the whole city is enriched with the CNY atmosphere. ...

Yet, I don't feel too excited about it. Other than I receive a few days off from work, it appears to be just any other day on the calendar. I am totally surprsied by how almost everyone on the street is rushing to purchase new stuff for the new year. While I was chatting with some of the others a few days ago, they had all followed the tradition to do a deep house cleaning on the second to the last day of CNY. And ... I just turned around and looked at my room ... It's still a mess. Ever since I had been living in HK, I had never cleaned or tidied my room once. Maybe I should take this opportunity to at least tidy things a bit. Well, I'll see if I may have the mood to do it before midnight of today.

It was then I started to pick up the papers on my desk and organized them, my phone rang and it was my mom. She asked me to go downstairs to pick up a box of cookies for the CNY visit to my great uncle's house. Though reluctant, I ran downstairs anyways. Once I entered the shopping mall, I was fascinated -- fascinated to see so many people. I ran as quickly as possible into the Welcome supermarket and grabbed a box of cookies and stood in line to pay. Then I had to wait in line again to get it wrapped. While I started getting a litte impatient in the long line and the crowds, I saw a lady loaded up her grocery shopping cart with a few boxes of oreo cookies, a few boxes of candies, and a few other boxes of assorted chocolates. Ohhnoo, she's going to get all of them wrapped as well. Luckily I arrived at the gift wrapping station a little earlier than she did.

So finally, mission completed. I had my box of cookies all wrapped nicely and I came back home. It was already 9pm. I had 3 more hours to clean my room. I decided to do the tidy up with my TV on, so I turned on the TV and it's playing the movie Babe. It was a movie about a pig raised by a sheepdog and tried to search for its identity and find acceptance in the farm. I am never a fan of animals and I surely do not find too enjoyable to watch a movie all casted by animals. I guess it's showing tonight on TV as a celebration for the year of pig. Honestly, I didn't find the movie too interesting, but I had sat in front of it for more than an hour to watch this little pig running around talking to all the other species in the farm. And oops, I forgot about my original plan, and which was ... to get my room cleaned.

I looked at the clock again, it's still early. It's only a little passed 10pm. I hadn't had dinner yet, so I decided to run to the kitchen and heated up some food to fill my tummy. I opened up the fridge and I couldn't find anything else other than the chinese puddings. It's true that there're many varieties, but still, they're all puddings. Well, I technically had no choice but to eat them. I cut out a portion and left it on a plate and put it in the microwave. Once I decided to turn the knob and set the timer, the whole knob fell off!!! WTF ... I tried to put it back but it didn't work.

I picked up the phone and called my parents and told them to get a new microwave before all the stores would close for CNY. I also reminded them to get one with digital settings, so the knob wouldn't fall out again! It was then I proceeded to use the most traditional way to heat up my food -- Boiled water in a saucepan and steam-heated my food.

It was supposed to be a simple task, but because of this unexpectancy, it took me another hour to try fixing the microwave, call my parents, heat up my food, and finish eating it.

One more hour left and my parents got home with a new microwave in their hands. I helped them to install it and toss the old one away so the janitor could remove it before CNY. I looked at the clock again and it's already 20 minutes 'til midnight. I didn't think I would have time to finish cleaning my room in 20 minutes, so I decided not to do anything but sit back, enjoy, and say goodbye to the year of doggie.

Maybe my first resolution for the new year is to clean up my room.


Unknown said...

hey, carmen! president's day today, while the whole world enjoys a day off, and i'm sitting in my office, waiting for the 3 hour meeting to start. i don't feel like doing anything but reading ur post. i read and read and read, until i read to the part with WTF, i laughed out loud. it was funny, girl! it was a little kick to start my day off at least with a smile. ha, i thank you for that. hope u had a good one on the new year day, and i'll see u when u get back. HNY!

Carmen said...

Hey Iris, I'm happy to see your message here. I thought I had lost most of my readers as I haven't been making an effort to update my blog. Glad you're still following along. How're the 2 little ones doing? Miss you and them a lot ~_~