Sunday, June 03, 2007

You Big Mouths, Get a life!

Very annoyed today ...

I am sure everyone of you has encountered nosy people in somewhere and in some ways. I have always hated nosy people. It's not like I don't talk about others, but I talk because these people have done something related to me.

However, there're just some people who love to put their hands on other's life, which has absolute nothing to do with them. I refer this type of people as "nosy." For some reasons, I am always around with people like this ... either they love to talk behind my back or they love to intervene my life when I'm not even close to them. Honestly, I think these people just have nothing else better to do than to bother with my life ... and I am just fxxking sick of it.

To these people: Leave me alone and get away from my life and go get a life for yourself!!! .\ /.