Friday, June 15, 2007

My 1ST Herbal Doctor Visit

If you ask me whether I believe more on western medicine or Chinese herbs, I can tell you the answer is definitely western medication. I have to admit that I am probably bias in this case as I am never exposed to Chinese herbs and my family has never believed in it either.

Lately, due to some coincidental chances, I got brought to visit a herbal doctor. I was a bit nervous as I didn't really know what to expect. At the moment I sat down at the herbal doctor's desk, I was asked to place one of my hands on a little pillow. The herbal doctor then placed his fingers on my wrist to measure, or more correctly, to study my pulse. I wondered (in my heart) if he ever needed to ask me the purpose of my visit ... or could he revealed my symptoms from my pulses. After a minute or so, he asked me to show him my other hand so he could study the pulses of it as well. At last, he asked me to stick out my tongue, which he only looked at for 2 seconds.

And, this was my "health report" from the herbal doctor (which I have no clue what it means):
  • Heated liver
  • Heated kidney
  • Weak heart beat
  • Heated blood that leads to poor blood circulation, cold feet, and pale face color
Whatever that means ... Then, I was given a 30 minute lecture of how to improve my health which was:
  • Sleep early
  • Exercise frequently
  • Do not drink cold water
I'm sure sleeping early and exercising frequently are some basic factors for a healthy body. However, I have lots of doubts about drinking cold water. It's so hot outside and I am sure my body will get overheated if I drink a cup of hot tea under such a hot weather ... which just doesn't make sense.

Before I left, I was given a bowl of black herbal tea, which was the most nasty thing I had ever drunk in my life!! I didn't know how to describe the taste -- it's bitter, sour ... simply just nasty. *_*

Have I felt any different, in terms of health situation, after drinking the herbal tea? No.
Will I return for more visits? No.

Note -- I know that it takes a relatively longer period of time for the herbal medicine to show its effect because it's a slower process that "improves" health but not "cures" sickness. However, how much money would I have to spend if I continue to pay more visits?? The answer is ... Nobody can tell as it depends on the individuals. In addition, since I simply won't feel a difference after consuming the herbal tea, so I can't be my own judge. My conclusion: It's basically an endless process.