Sunday, December 23, 2007

Finally ...

OOoooYEAHooo ... Finally ...

I'm quite exhausted -- physically and emotionally. Though I didn't work too much or too hard during most of the year in HK, I had pushed myself quite hard in the past three months for the interviews and the newly acquired position. Maybe it's my "make up" defense for my foolish acts and fun moments wasted earlier in the year. Being always appeared as a rather laid back person, the tiresome could very well be caused by internal stresses that developed subconsciously. Possibly, I just couldn't find a way to relieve them.

What's wrong?? Ever since what had happened earlier in the year, I consistently find myself being very up-tight, and over self-protected at all times. This may be one major reason that has contributed to my weight loss -- I have successfully lost more than 10 lbs in the past 2 months (which isn't necessary to be a bad thing as I had put on quite a number of pounds while I was in HK).

I don't know why ... Maybe it's a temporary thing that I'm still adjusting to my new life style. To certain extent, I feel including some of my feelings on Honey Bee is my only media to somewhat truly express myself because I am technically writing to nobody. But I miss the real me -- the previous and the original me.

The alcohol earlier had helped me to loosen up quite a bit. I hope I didn't say anything that I shouldn't have said ... Should be fine. I normally just got knocked down in such circumstances. =.=||| Once out of the blue, but oh well, it's really not something I very much enjoy doing.

Not too much looking forward to this break ... More or less, I just need this break.

Extremely tired. Time for bed.