Monday, April 14, 2008

Moth Myth

For the past 4-5 nights, there had been a tiny moth flying around my room. Actually, the first time I saw it was in the bathroom while I was about to take a shower. It then followed me into my room and had stayed here. It's not like I left my bedroom door closed. Indeed, I had it left opened mostly during the day and only had it closed at night.

Ever since the passing of my grandmother, I had never killed a moth or a moth-like insect. I am not a very superstitious person, but when it comes to myths and if there's no harm or extra effort to follow them, I usually would choose to believe in them.

I'm not sure where this myth is originated but I have heard that a moth can be an embodiment of soul, usually a beloved someone, who comes back for a visit. If it is killed, the soul of the spirit would disappear or force to leave. Since the death of my grandmother, every time when I see a moth, I always tend to think it's She who has come back for a visit.

Something is very strange though. It's been 10 years since my grandmother's passing, and maybe this is only the 3rd time I have seen a moth in my house. For all these times, the moth doesn't only stay for a day. It usually would stay for a few days and it would always fly and stay around at the same spot. It's like this time, the moth would fly around my room but it just won't fly out the door even I have it opened widely.

Believe or not to believe ... I choose to believ
e. To me, it is just a nice feeling to believe that grandma has never forgotten about me and is still coming back to check on me.