Tuesday, February 17, 2009

To My Hot Hot G

Thank You for such a sweet sweet Valentine's.
Thank you for Mr. Heart who will keep me sleeping tight every night.
Thank you for the 11 lovely roses + a chocolate one ^.^
Thank you for the Canon digital camera.
Thank you for the heartfelt wordings and the pop-up Valentine's card.
~~~Kiss Kiss~~~

***The camera goes perfectly with the gift I gave you. We will use it to capture all of our memorable moments and continue filling more pages in the scrapbook!***

Thursday, February 12, 2009

25 Random Things

It's been forever since my last post ... I guess I had utilize my blogging time on Facebook these days. Here's my tag on the 25 Random things on FB:


Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1. I had received this tag from a number of people but I had been ignoring them until 5 mins ago that I read someone's Random things and decided to write my own.
2. I played piano since I was 4. I hated it but since I didn't want to disappoint my parents so I had been taking piano lessons and doing the Royal School of Music exams for over 10 years (until I came to the US and it's a perfect excuse to stop).
3. I inherit most of the facial features from my father.
4. I had asked my childhood nanny to use blankets to set up a tent for me on my bed so I could go "camping."
5. I didn't experience real camping until June of last year.
6. I don't like egg noodles.
7. I love Broadway musicals and the last one I just watched was WICKED.
8. I have a passion in art. I am very thankful for my parents who had put me through drawing lessons when I was young.
9. I wanted to be an interior designer, but somehow I ended up having a career in life science.
10. I was in private swimming lesson during a few of my childhood summer breaks because my parents wanted me to learn swimming so I wouldn't be drown like my grandfather who had never returned after going swimming on a beach.
11. I can only swim in swimming pools but I am scared of the ocean.
12. I have a fear of dental visits. My heart beats very fast every time when I lay on the chair at the dental office.
13. I have haircuts every 2 months.
14. The most respectful persons in my life (so far) are my grandmother and my previous boss. Their existence has changed my perspective of life. They will both be missed.
15. I always woke up with a X'mas gift in my stocking on Christmas Day until I went to college.
16. My younger brother and I had set up alarm clocks to try catching "Santa Claus" on Christmas eve but failed every year. Until now, my dad still doesn't admit he was the Santa Claus.
17. I had taken French for 5 years but I have forgotten most of it.
18. I love being in a lively city with lots of people and shops and restaurants (i.e. HK).
19. My first trip on a plane was going to the Disneyland in Japan.
20. My favorite color is burgundy.
21. I am scared of birds. Any kind of bird-like creatures. When a bird gets close (or even seeing a picture of a bird that shows its characteristics), I can feel a spine-tingling chill arises from the bottom of my feet and formation of goosebumps will follow.
22. Chocolate is my favorite flavor of icecream choice.
23. I dream almost every night, but I don't recall what the dreams are for the most times.
24. For the 5 accidents I had gotten into, I was hit by pickup trucks. None of it was my fault but pickup trucks don't seem to like me too much V_V.
25. McDonald's is still my favorite fast food restaurant out of all.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! ^3^

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Happy 2009

It's the New Year and here's what had happened in Disney ... Hahaha ^.^ (in my dream) ...

Good start of the year so far ... New year, new resolution. Nice!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy Holidays

Ho Ho Ho ... Happy Holidays!

Recap of this month:

1. Same as the previous years, I had participated in the Family Giving Tree toy donation for the holiday season. I had purchased a Thomas train set for the 5 year old boy and a bottle of perfume for a 12 year old girl.

2. Company holiday parties ... Eat Eat Eat ^.^

3. Surprise Vegas trip from Hot Hot G!! It's a tiring but fun trip.
Thank you ^3^ ...

This will most likely be the last post of 2008. Everyone Happy 2009!!!

Monday, December 01, 2008

Thanksgiving of 2008

What a tiring Thanksgiving holidays. We had done some crazy lining ups at the store at 3am on black Friday. Too old for these kinda stuff but we were able to get one item in a decent deal, so our time and effort weren't totally wasted. Here are what we had on Thanksgiving Day at a friend's place. I made the fruit salad and the Korean noodles (Jap Chae). I put in a lot of effort in making the fruit salad ... haha ... everyone said it's a Frog. What do you think it is?

Hot Hot G, let's add oil together. I'm looking forward to seeing "our dream" comes true ^.^

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Weight Challenge (START)

The holiday season is around the corner. Other than the joy and happiness shared with friends and familes, it's also a time to enjoy a lot of good food and drinks. Because of this reason, every year, my company would have a "Weight Challenge" program organized by the Fitness Center. The purpose of the program is for us to watch our weight and maintain fitted during the times from Thanksgiving, Christmas, to New Year. We have to form a team of 4 people and all 4 of us would step on a big scale together to record our total body weight. Then, after all the holiday celebrations, a collective body weight will again be recorded in early January. For the team which loses the most collective weight, each member on the team can obtain a 75 dollar gift certificate.

I was asked to be on a team. I agreed to join, but I didn't promise I would lose any weight ... haha ... Today is the day of obtaining the total body weight, so all 4 of us decided to pig out during lunch time and drink as much water as possible before we get on the scale. Some people decided to wear more clothes, change to a pair of heavier shoes ... And, our total body weight is 625.5 lbs. Let's see what the number will be in January.

My goal is to lose 2 lbs on myself ... haha ...

Go MetaboLights (our team name)!!!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Next Mr. President

Go Go Obama ... our next leader of the country ...

Win the polls with flying colors ~~ Yeah Yeah Yeah ~~

Updated: Well, I'm just disappointed that Prop. 8 was passed. People shouldn't be so stubborn sticking to the traditional "definition of marriage." I think we're talking more about civil rights ... about the equality of life style each person deserves ...