Thursday, December 01, 2005

Help Wanted!

If you are one of my daily visitors, you may realize that I have made a few modifications on the layout of this site lately. One of the relatively obvious ones is the advertisment banner on top of my writings. And, if you're also somewhat detail oriented, you should notice that the commercial contents are not random pop ups. Indeed, they are related to what I write in my blog. It's the result of a program I signed up with Google called Google Adsense. To make it simple, Google Adsense generates ads that my visitors may be interested in reading after cruising my blog. In other words, the banner will be updated according to what I write here.

I hope you will find the ad somewhat useful, but the main purpose I'm bringing this up because I need all of your help. If you happen to find the ad is of particular interest to you, please click on the banner. Even though the ad doesn't seem to trigger your curiosity, please still click on it. Google Adsense records the number of people who visit the ads, and I get a teeny amount of money after a certain number of clicks.

Thanks very much to everyone who supports the Honey Bee's blog!


Anonymous said...

so do i get a free lunch if i click the adsense?

Anonymous said...