Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Why is guinea pig called Guinea "pig?"


I arrived work at 7:30am today, planned to start a new experiment. Yet before I was able to begin anything, I ran into a little problem.
Rather than having someone to deliver my rats, I decided to obtain them for the first time among hundreds of the others in the animal facility. I didn't pay too much attention to the paperwork regarding the exact location of where my rats were housed as I was told that they would be housed in the same room with some guinea pigs. I said to myself, "that shouldn't be too hard, as long as I find some guinea pigs, I should be able to locate my rats."

Well, the problem was that, I had never seen a guinea pig in my life and I had no clue how it looked, but I thought it would look some what like a PIG. I went into each room, couldn't find anything that looked like a pig. Then I thought I overlooked, so I went back to all the rooms and checked again. Still, I couldn't find any. Though I felt a little annoyed, I had no choice but to go through each description card on the animal cage to see where they actually were. After 30 minutes, I was grateful enough to find my rats. And Yes, they're housed with a bunch of guinea pigs, which looked exactly like my rats except a little fatter.

Take a look from the above pictures, can you distinguish them? I just don't understand why a guinea pig is called a "pig" when they look so much more like rats!

Ans: the right one is a guinea pig and the left picture is a rat.

1 comment:

petit mouton said...

the guinea pig looks more different from a rat if it weren't white. though i cannot answer you why they are called "pig", but you can tell from their face that they don't look so mean! a round snout rather than pointy. by the way, please note the change of my blog address with my new name :) it's part hawaiian, part chinese...i created it...heehee