Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The Tubbies

Among all cartoon characters that I have known of, I guess the most I hate has to be the Teletubbies. Not sure when exactly was this (a few years ago?) ... I had once sat in front of a TV surfing channels and saw these horrible characters, with a TV screen on their tummies and an antenna on their heads, jumping up and down. The first thing came to my mind was: What the heck are these? To fulfill my curiosity, I did watch the show for about 2 minutes. Then, I couldn't help but to change channels.

I understand this is a kid show and I am definitely too old for this. Yet, I mean, these guys are not even cute. They're just a bunch of evil looking dummies with a big fat gut and a pair of scary looking eyes. Moreover, the gurgling baby language they speak are terribly annoying. And, at the end of the show, they need to say "bye bye" like 20 times in a row before the show finally ends. How can you expect a kid to learn something out of this kinda show?

Later on, I read on the news that the purple tubby is gay @__@ (rolling my eyes ... People, remember this is a kid show aiming for children age 1 to 4). This tubby's name is Tinky-Winky. It said that he can possibly be gay because he always carries a "magic bag" which looks like a woman handbag and his antenna on his head is triangular in shape (supposed to be a gay pride symbol). Oh come on, give me a break!

So, in order to make our work environment a more enjoyable place to be, my coworker and I have nicknamed a few of our supervisors with the names of the tubbies. They're Tinky-Winky, Lala, and Dipsy ... Ahh, still one more spot left for the next evil surgeon to join the tubby family.

Hippo, you like this picture on the left? Twinky is eating "tubbie custard" *whatever that is* and Dipsy is yelling at him "bastard." ... poor Lala ... (inside jokes >.<)

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