Sunday, May 06, 2007

My Favorite Beverage

"A bottle of Yakult a day, keeps the doctor away."

This is something you will find in stock in my refrigerator (in Hong Kong) all the time. It's just not a common thing for the Americans. I guess this must be introduced from the UK decades ago as I remember I had this when I was a kid. Basically it's a probiotic yogurt drink ... what does "probiotic" mean? I learned it from the TV commercials that it's beneficial bacteria and the kind in Yakult is supposed to be good for the bacteria in our intestines.

Since I had nothing better to do, I went to the Yakult official website and started surfing on it. By no means, it's a pretty well designed, creative, and informative site. They even design a Yakult Game and we're supposed to play and learn something out from it. There's this big PLAY icon on the main page of the site, so I just clicked into it. Boy, this is the stupidest game I have ever played! To certain extent, it cracked me up because it's just so stupid.

If you're as bored as me, give it a try ~@_@~ ........................

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