Saturday, December 01, 2007

Follow the Trail

I went to a conference today and one of the presenters began his presentation by quoting a line by Ralph Waldo Emerson --

"Do not go where the path may lead;
Go instead where there's no path and leave a trail."

For some reasons, this line is stuck in my head for the rest of the day. I totally understand how this quotation applies to a biopharmaceutical company when it comes to research for a new drug candidate. Uhmm, but I don't completely see how it can apply to an individual ...

Well, I decide to note it in my blog because I think it's a pretty well written quote, though I don't think I have gotten what it truly means.

Earlier during my shower, I was thinking about it so hard that I inadvertently used my shower gel as a shampoo and a shampoo as a shower gel. *Uhmm* ... didn't notice that until I was done "showering" and I had to re-shower once again with the appropriate cleansing solutions ... Taken me twice as long in the shower. Sometimes, I have to admit that I am quite speechless in my own stupid acts ...