Monday, December 10, 2007

The Gray Zone

In my old world, there just used to be black or white, yes or no, true or false. There was never any overlap region. Numerous people had consistently advise me that I shouldn't take things in such an extreme way because in between black and white, there's something called GRAY; in between yes and no, there's something called MAYBE; and in between true and false, there's something called COMPROMISE. However, I had refused to listen because I believe that's my theory of life and I should just stick with it. Or simply speaking, I was just stubborn as hell.

Until one incident that happened earlier during the year and I had decided to change myself. I had made a mistake that I could hardly forgive myself. To tell the truth, I had absolute no intention to hurt anyone. However, sometimes, things could just get out of control. It was then I started to realize the importance of the gray-ish area -- The compromising zone -- If I was able to step one foot into the gray area, things could very well be different. And at times, it's not the outcome that matters, it's whether how one handles the situation. It seems that I always have to fall before learning a new lesson. I always believe that growing with mistakes is totally acceptable, though I do try to avoid making the same mistake twice.

Lately, I had successfully given myself and others more room by stepping into the gray region and did something which I would absolutely refuse to do in the past. Due to my ego, I admitted I was quite hesitated but I had forced myself to do it because I didn't want to be the one to have regrets in the future. Surprisingly, I am fairly happy to do what I have decided to, though still have a little doubts if the right approach has been taken. I guess it's more of a break through for myself that I haven't taken things as extreme as before and more importantly, I think I have done what I feel I should have done.

I just wish I have opened my ears and listened to the advice from others early enough to not fall before I learn. But when one can't change the past, one can only learn from mistakes and look forward to a better future. Uhmm, so I think I can conclude that I have become a better person than before ... ^.^

Headache, sore throat, body ache ... will my flu shot be kicking in?!