Friday, December 28, 2007

Bad Dreams

I woke up -- Feeling scary, sadly and strangely.

I forced myself to open my eyes in the middle of a dream ... and ... I realized tears rolling down my cheeks. As far as I can recall, this is probably the third time in my life that I find myself tearing from some horrible dreams. They might not appear to you as anything, but they were all very real, and somewhat dramatic, in my dreams:

1st Dream -- Happened when I was around 7-8 years old. I was being attacked by a tiger in a forest.

2nd Dream -- Happened when I was around 17-18 years old. I was trapped inside a house, which was on fire. I tried very hard and I finally found my way out. Then I was chased down by a shark down the slope (I guess dreams don't have to make sense all the time).

3rd Dream -- Happened last night ...................... Sorry, too fresh to reveal it here at this moment. I didn't let myself to close my eyes and fall back to sleep because I knew the dream would continue if I did. That would just result in more tears.

@#%$# ... see a pattern? These dreams tend to occur every 10 years in my life!