Thursday, December 27, 2007

A Productive Day

These're the tasks I have accomplished today:
  1. Got the smog test done
  2. Ran an errand in the bank
  3. Went to a drug store to get all the daily necessities
  4. Changed all the bed sheets and blanket covers
  5. Washed 3 loads of laundry
  6. Vacuumed and tidied the whole house
  7. Wiped down dust on all furniture surface area in all rooms
  8. Cleaned the kitchen counter and microwave
  9. Cleaned all the bathrooms -- that included wiping down all the sink areas/toilets/bathtubs with bleach and mopped the floor!
Dead tired. I woke up at 9ish this morning and started my first task. It's now 8:30p and my last load of laundry is still in the dryer. This is not the first time I have done the above mentioned household work, indeed it is the first time I have finished doing all of them in one day!

Uhmm, I guess I have a pretty high potential to be a maid ... it can be an option if I lose my job a day. The only problem is that I'm not sure how long I can survive =,=|||

OH well, I guess household work can be taken the same as studying -- something definitely no one enjoys of doing, yet it just needs to get done. I, obviously, do not find household work an enjoyable thing to do, but when no one else is willing to complete these tasks, I have to take care of them or we all will be living in a mess.

What are the leftover? Still need to iron some clothes and gather some of my coats and pants to drop off for dry clean. But I can't be bothered today as I think I have worked too hard already.

Sitting in my dust-free room, blogging this post ... so proud of myself ^.^