Friday, December 14, 2007

Toys Search

This is the 2nd time I have participated in the Family Giving Tree holiday program. I went around a few Christmas trees in the company and here are the wishes of the 2 lucky kids I picked:
  1. A 4 year old boy who wants "anything with the sharks on it."
  2. A 10 year old girl who wants "a jump rope and other outdoor play items."
I guess it's not only a holiday donation on my part because I enjoy very much looking at toys. I probably get as excited as some kids when I walk down each isle in Toys R Us. You just get to admit that some of the toys nowadays are pretty cool and fun to play with.

I did put in quite an amount of effort to get the above gifts. I don't have a habit to give Christmas gifts to random friends. So either I just do not give someone anything, or once I decide to get someone something, I ensure I am delivering something specifically for this person but not some useless junk. It's not that much about the cost of the gift (as I had only spent about 20 dollars on each of it), I guess it's more about the thoughtfulness and how much one cares.

When I picked the wish card, I thought searching something with sharks must be easy, but once you were asked to look for one particular item with sharks on it and as well be suitable for a 4 year old, it's a bit challenging. I mean, I didn't want to get a shark stuff animal or a boring shark toy without much to play around. After visiting a few stores, I was delighted to find this Hot Wheels toy set with a shark park in Toys R Us. I believe the shark would make different noises once the car passes through its mouth. Good enough for a 4 year old to have fun ...

Next, I needed to get a jump rope but Toys R Us didn't carry jump rope during the winter season. Then, I went to the outdoor sport section but most of the stuff were more designed for guys to play with -- such as baseball set, soccer set, water guns, etc. My next destination was Target. I found a jump rope and I was debating if I should get a kid softball set or a badminton set or an outdoor rocket shooting game set. I ended up picking the rocket shooting thing because it's a little more unique and it seemed to be more fun to play with ... (well, at least to me)

Alritie, Mission completed!

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