Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Milk Tea

I used to be pretty easy going with food, but I realized that after my last HKG stay, I have become pretty picky with it. Maybe I was spoiled by the enormous variety of quality food available to me during the past 2 years …

Hong Kong style ice cold milk tea has always been one of my favorite drinks in restaurants. I believe it is a drink originated from Britain and somehow transformed into a HKG style type of milk tea – which is a little sweeter and stronger. In the HKG older times, hot milk tea was more or less taken as a similar item as coffee. Until recent years, Starbucks have successfully conquered the HKG market and coffee becomes a more common beverage for the population.

The same as many millions of HKG people, a cup of hot milk tea is an essential breakfast item for my parents. In order to have a good start of a day, the quality of a homemade milk tea plays an important role. In the past many years, I had seen my parents searched and tried many different brands of tea leaves. While my mom was never willing to spend too much time in the kitchen in the morning, convenience and efficiency became the key factors in choosing the quality tea. In other words, “tea bags” were the way to go.

After many trial-and-error type of testings, they came to a conclusion that Marks and Spencer tea bags worked the best out of all choices. Ever since then, my home has always been stocked with M&S tea bags. However, to maintain its quality, these tea bags have a very short manufacturing recommended shelf life.

Earlier today, I was craving for some milk tea so I decided to try making myself one with the tea bags available at work. It turned out to be such a disastrous waste. I put a total of 5 tea bags in a cup of hot milk but I felt like I was drinking some hot, but slightly bitter, diluted milk. After a few sips, before anyone noticed it, I decided to pour everything down the sink.

Not to mention that I had made a mess in the microwave while I was heating up some milk (of course I cleaned it up before anyone realized it) ...

Anyone knows where I can find some equally good tasting tea? As far as I know, Marks and Spencer is a British department store and it doesn’t exist here in the bay ... V_V