Saturday, January 05, 2008

Best Wishes

For the past 24 hours, I had received calls from five different friends who are currently living in UK, HKG, and BJ. At first, I thought they called to see if I had survived in the storm ... However, none of them had brought up anything about the storm. I guess it's just a coincidence that they happened to call within the same day. One did not even know the time difference and woke me up in the middle of the night, but that's all OK as I was more than happy to hear her voice.

I am particularly delighted after talking to him -- the one whom I mentioned in my "Make My Day" posting a few days ago. I was at work when he called the other day so I didn't get a chance to talk much. The idea of moving back to HKG had been implanted in both of our minds for a long time. I did it but he just never had the guts to put it into action, though I knew how difficult it's to make this move and for a guy, it could even be tougher. I had spent hours and hours to ask him to follow his heart and when he came visiting in HKG at this time of last year, I had again told him the pros and cons of working in HKG and I thought I could sound more persuasive as everything I said was based on my personal experience, but he still couldn't make up his mind.

I know this is not my life, but I also know that if the urge of doing it is so strong, you just have to do it and not to worry too much about other possible outcomes ... or this urge would follow you for the rest of your life and you would always wonder how life would be if you have made a different turn.

It's until lately that something happened and he wanted to take a break and decided to relocate himself to HKG. I'm just very happy to hear that he finally starts to establish himself in a city he always wants to be in and is also seeking career opportunities. Too bad I ain't around anymore or it could be so much more fun ...

Two years ago, I admitted I moved back to HKG for a personal reason, but at the same time, I had always wanted to be back there since college graduation. Combination of the two reasons overweighted the possible failures I could encounter, so I just resigned, packed and left. Any gains during the HKG stay? Heck yeah, more than what you can possibly imagine. The fun, the joy, the happiness, the excitement, the time shared with loved ones ... Though career-wise, it's a total waste of time. Well, I was able to meet some very nice people through the job and establish friendship with some of the coworkers and my two bosses. I guess this can be considered as a gain as well. Out of all the gains, the most important is that this "urge of living in HKG" has disappeared even though I am back here again. I guess it's more like I tried and I accepted whatever outcome it turned out to be like. Well, it's only been a few months since I am back, though I feel like I'm adapting to a brand new environment again.

So, Best Wishes to the ones who are starting a new life in HKG ...