Thursday, May 29, 2008


Dealing with parents can be quite killingly amazing sometimes.

I inherit a lot of features from my father. This is one thing most people point out when they see my family pictures – Woah, you really look like your dad! I take it as a compliment. I’m proud to be looking like my father … except one thing. I don’t want to explicitly point out what it is and I will use a symbol “X” to represent it here, but you should be smart enough to figure what this thing is after finish reading this.

X’s on my dad’s legs are relatively denser and longer than the general Chinese population. I’m not sure if it’s the testosterone or he always claims it’s a consequence of being an active soccer player when he was young. Unfortunately, I inherit this part of the gene from him as well. Ever since high school, when I was old enough to care more about my appearance, I had started getting rid of the X. The story actually began when I had joked with my dad one time and I blamed on his gene. He then started to make a tremendous effort to get me all the commercially available “get-rid-of-X” items – And that include X-removal cream, gel, aerosol, wax, roll-on foams, chemical depilatory, and “get-rid-of-X” electronic items. Basically, you name it, I have tried it. I always feel embarrassed for my father to go to a women sanitary section to pick up all these items. And most of the times, as talkative as he can be, he would openly discuss with the sales girls that he’s getting it for his daughter. The bottom line is, I have never asked him to do so and I do not want him to waste money to get me these fancy stuffs because I like to go by the very simple and traditional way to get rid of X. Well, if you know my father, he never listens and he likes to do things on his own way ... and he is very forgetful as well. Awhile back, he had gotten me an electronic X-remover, but I think I had only used it a few times and I went back to use the traditional kind. I guess he has completely forgotten about it and yesterday, in a very exciting tone, he told me he purchased a newly released electronic X-remover for me, which just came out in Japan a week ago.

Sigh, such a waste of money … but I think by the time he gives it to me, I still have to act all excited about it.